Dehumidifier Case Studies

Dehumidifiers are where it all started for us, back in the mid 1970’s. It’s where we cut our teeth in refrigeration engineering and eventually led the portable air conditioners we make today. From domestic units designed to reduce the condensation that rotted everybody’s wooden window frames in the late 70’s/early 80’s (completed with mahogany veneered chipboard cases – nice!) to the high tech, steel shelled units we put on building sites across the country today, we’ve seen it all. Our founder was even chief product designer at Ebac dehumidifiers for a while, we we’re well qualified to manufacture portable dehumidifiers.

Portable Dehumidifiers Case Studies

With over four decades worth of experience working with the drying industry we’ve seen it all, from ensuring the safety of ancient manuscripts to drying out flooded houses after a storm. As a result of all this experience our engineers have the expertise needed to design, specify and recommend the most suitable dehumidifier for your application, no matter how obscure you might think it is. We can specify equipment from our range or pass you over to one of our specialist distributors, who in addition to supplying the equipment can also deliver 24/7/365 backup, including on call engineers for those more critical dehumidifier requirements.

In this section we’ll take a quick look at a couple of the applications where commercial dehumidifiers or industrial dehumidifiers have been used to alleviate problems on a couple of construction projects over the years.

Burst Sewage Pipe

As an example, one of these specialists had a call from a highly stressed manager at an international infrastructure company whose onsite team had managed to damage a major sewer pipe during a large construction project at a 50000 square foot development near Canary Wharf. The initial requirement was for a pump to remove the foul water so the pipe could be repaired and work could continue, however once the water had been removed then the company quickly realised they needed commercial dehumidifiers on site to speed up the drying process and reduce costly downtime.

In order to meet the client requirements a combination of industrial fan heaters and large commercial dehumidifiers were recommended. In certain applications the addition of heat will increase the effectiveness of the dehumidification process meaning that although two pieces of equipment will be required it will bring down the overall time needed before you can get your guys back  in there working.

School Extension

Once upon a time we used to invest in schools, or at least invite private companies in to run them. Often these companies would update or remodel the old buildings to something more suitable for 21st Century education. Sometimes they’d even build a completely new school.

As with so many civil engineering projects the principle contractor for one extension in Sheffield was a large company that specialised in infrastructure. However, when they found themselves in a quandary over how to maintain the best possible conditions to lay that beautiful, old fashioned parquet flooring we all associate with school halls and corridors they contacted one our HVAC distributors with a history of helping out with more niche applications.

In order to lay the flooring without risking warping, swelling or damaging the panels you need to ensure the concrete subfloor and all other surfaces are properly dry. In addition you also have to make sure the environment holds an ambient temperature for at least 18°C for a minimum of 48hrs prior to fitting.

After discussing the requirements, idiosyncrasies and specifics of this particular job the engineer recommended an industrial size heater capable of delivering large volumes of warm air, along with ducting to supply that heat evenly and consistently throughout the environment. Whilst this would take care of the minimum temperature part of the job a number of industrial refrigerant dehumidifiers were deployed to make sure the RH level was maintained at 40-45% and dry out the relevant surfaces. They were also left to run throughout the job to remove any excess atmospheric moisture within the environment to stop it exceeding that all important maximum RH level.

Following initial installation of the HVAC equipment alongside additional measures to ensure no sudden and/or dramatic changes in the conditions further down the line, the flooring contractors were able to get to work as soon as the first 48hrs were up.

As margins tend to run fairly tight in large scale construction projects on of the clients primary concerns was that of cost. In order to help minimise the running cost of the project the large heaters were set up to recirculate the air rather than use fresh air, which if it’s possible to use, is a much more efficient method to maintain a constant temperature as it uses less energy. Thermostats also made sure the temperature was kept comfortable constant just above the minimum, and energy wasn’t wasted raising it unnecessarily high.

Having been so impressed with the thought, attention and precision of the original requirement with the thought, attention and precision of the original requirement the onsite team were also delighted that, as the equipment was all portable, the installation could be moved around the site to create the same conditions in every room flooring needed to be laid.

Built from tough, powder coated steel and designed with industrial use in mind, our CR range of commercial dehumidifiers are ideal for heavy duty jobs where small plastic units just won’t be up to it. They’re fully portable and designed to withstand daily site use on construction sites, in factories, homes garages and even retail applications. With a range that includes several different sizes and extraction rates, all available in either 240V, site friendly 110V dehumidifiers and with a range of accessories such as hour counters, condensate pumps the humidistats there’s something to suit just about every application.

For full details on our range of portable air conditioners, large fan heaters, 3 phase fan heaters, site dehumidifiers, ventilation fans, negative pressure units, cooling fans and portable electric boilers please browse our site. Alternatively, you can call 01527 830610 and speak to a member of our expert team.